Year One: Reflections On Our First Year of Marriage

One year of marriage. It’s been a year we didn’t expect, that’s for sure. But, a year ago today, Mark and I were living out one of the best days of our lives. So much changed in our lives in this past year - we began living on lockdown and through a global pandemic, we went through ups and downs with work and finances because of said pandemic, we bought a house, and mostly we just spent a lot of time at home together loving each other and our little family. I went into marriage with little expectations. I knew that it would be hard, but that if it was right it would also be so worth it, and so far, that seems true. I’m not sure what I would’ve done without Mark this last year. Navigating such an anxiety-inducing world event would shake most people. Even though we were so lucky that a lot of aspects of our life didn’t change much, and we worried and struggled like most people. Having someone there for you to lean on during those moments is one of the immense benefits to marriage. We also learned this year that anxiety and events outside of our control can make our personal relationship more difficult. We both started therapy individually. We had lots of frustrating talks. But at the end of the year, I can say with pride that we used that frustration and struggle to make our relationship stronger. That’s the hard work, but i’m already learning that it’s so worth it.

Watching so much in our world fall apart, and having so much unknown only makes me stronger in my love, care, and respect for Mark. He’s such a calming presence when i’m weary. He’s hardworking and committed to the people he loves. He is the very best friend that i’ve ever had, and for that, I know we are truly lucky.

Happy Anniversary, babe. Here’s to about a million more.


Winter Wonderland


Our New Home: Gathering Inspiration