Hello 2020

The past decade brought a lot of happiness and accomplishment and growth, but also, of course, a lot of difficult times. I’m feeling ready to leave 2019 in the past. I’m ready to leave the painful parts of the last 10 years behind me. I know it’s so cliche but I love the new year. I love fresh starts. I feel excited and hopeful to start a new decade with my husband (!!!) and to reset. I’ve been thinking a lot about the past 10 years and realized that a lot of it has been struggle. Jumping from one thing to another to another to try figure out my place in the world or to move up some metaphoric ladder - to make more money or accomplish the next big goal or establish myself in some way. Ive declared for myself that in 2020 I’m going to be a “taking a year off”. I guess kind of like a sabbatical. I’m going to take time to just be a human being. To do the things I enjoy doing just because I enjoy doing them. To do my work and pay my bills and leave it at that. To stop worrying about goals and more about figuring some things out for myself. To try to figure out what happiness is beyond lifelong to do lists and constant comparison and achievement. Making this decision was the most freeing thing I’ve done for myself, maybe ever. I’m excited to see what “taking a year off” will bring and I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. ✨ I hope that the new year brings you happiness and growth and all of the best things that life can bring. I hope we all have the courage to make the changes in ourselves to help make our lives and the world a little bit brighter.


Read: Habibi by Craig Thompson


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