Five Years

Yesterday, Mark and I celebrated our five year anniversary! The day also marked six months exactly until our wedding, and was the last time we’ll ever celebrate April 19 as our “anniversary” - how crazy is that?!

This last year has been a whirlwind. We went to the Grand Canyon and we got engaged!!! I quit my job, started freelancing full time, and we spent a year filming weddings together. We started planning our own wedding, and learned that weddings are hella expensive. We took lots of little fun day trips and started being a bit better about budgeting. We laughed at a lot of memes and sang loudly in the car on drives in the country and spent many nights in snuggling with Henry and Penny. We had some hard times too - Mark was laid off for about a month and I had some tough things happen with my business. I also struggled majorly with my anxiety this year and we both had to navigate that in different ways. There were a lot of uncertain days and our fair share of tears but we also laughed and loved through all of it.

Every year, I look back and am always amazed at how much we’ve grown in our relationship. This year is no exception. We’ve forced ourselves to have some hard conversations about marriage, and both worked really hard on some of our personal shortcomings in an effort to make our relationship more successful. We started communicating in more productive ways. I’m really proud of the work we’ve done, and continue to do every single day. We’re nowhere near perfect, but the strides we’ve made together in the last year make me so confident in our decision to commit to each other in such a big way.

We celebrated our anniversary with a simple evening. Mark made us reservations at Milestone 229, hoping we could get a table on the patio and look our over the Scioto Mile. Unfortunately it rained all day, which put a damper on that plan - but we still had an amazing dinner and a great time. We also splurged and got two desserts and I accidentally ordered a piece of cake as big as my head! We spent dinner talking about wedding plans and future home plans and about the past five years. We both agreed that it feels both like been together forever, and that time has also flown by! Funny how that works.

I love Mark so much. When so many other things in life seem so confusing, he’s such a comforting spirit to come home to every single day. I feel incredibly lucky to call him mine, and to celebrate another year together. Here’s to many, many more.


For Mom


Read: Severence by Ling Ma